
您正在寻找能够为您的观众提供关于中国发展并将其置于全球背景下的人选吗?那么Georg Stieler就是您的不二之选。他在中国生活和工作了十多年,除了为该地区的主要西方客户提供服务外,他与美国科技公司在欧洲的广泛合作也为他提供了跨大西洋的视角。
Dr. Léa Steinacker
联合创始人兼首席信息官, ada Learning GmbH![]()
活动 | 主题 | 地点 | 年份 |
VDMA Executive Dinner | Redefining the global production technology race: What European companies in China need to know | Shenzhen, CN | 2023 |
RoboBusiness | What’s new in China’s robotics market? | Santa Clara, USA | 2023 |
Robotics Festival | Extending human capabilities in an increasingly automated world | Leipzig, DE | 2022 |
Evalueserve Global Sales Kick-Off | Fintech, Industrial Automation, Service Robots and New Retail in China | Shanghai, CN | 2020 |
Eucken Symposium | Europa global denken: Wachstumschancen in China nutzen - aber wie? | Freiburg, DE | 2019 |
PTC LiveWorx | China: The coming Innovation Superpower? | Boston, USA | 2018 |
Handelsblatt Industriegipfel | The Digital Silk Road | Duisburg, DE | 2018 |
Bosch Rexroth Innovation Day | China: The coming Innovation Superpower? | Stuttgart, DE | 2018 |
Vodafone Enterprise Plenum | China: The coming Innovation Superpower? | Berlin, DE | 2018 |
RoboBusiness | Who will be the Alibaba of Industry 4.0? | San Jose, USA | 2016 |
Industrial Internet Consortium | Digitizing the factory of the world - current perspectives on Industrial Automation in China | Tokyo, JP | 2016 |
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